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Equine facilitated learning
How We Began: Image

Understanding the intricate ways we communicate—verbally, non-verbally, and energetically.

Driven by an immense love for horses and the profound joy and gratitude they inspire, my journey led me to discover the extraordinary bond between these majestic creatures and individuals seeking healing.  Working as a volunteer at a local therapy center, The Peaceful Pony, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power horses have in facilitating profound healing journeys. This experience ignited a passionate desire within me to explore mental well-being beyond the confines of traditional medicine.

Motivated by this deep passion, I committed myself to acquiring certifications in Emotional Intelligence, Counselling Skills, and Equine Facilitated Interactions. Through my studies, I delved into the intricate subtleties of human communication—verbal, non-verbal, and energetic. What astounded me was the remarkable ability of horses to perceive beyond our masks and uncover our true emotions, offering profound insights into our authentic selves.

It became undeniably clear to me that partnering with these incredible animals to support others was the natural path in my role as an Equine Facilitator Practitioner. I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of this unique approach, as it brings about profound positive changes in one's well-being. By embracing the wisdom and intuition of horses, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and well-being, unveiling our true potential.

Kaz Reid

Founder of Equine Blue

Equine facilitated learning
How We Began: About
How We Began: Text

You might be able to fake it with the people around you.  You wont be able to do that with the horses!   


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