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               Courtesy of Oaksbrook Retreat

Mindfulness: Image


During Equine Facilitated Interactions (EFI) sessions, participants engage in various mindfulness exercises that promote presence, awareness, and connection with the horses. Here are a few examples of mindfulness exercises commonly practiced in EFI:

1. Breath Awareness: Participants are guided to focus their attention on their breath while being in the presence of the horse. They observe the natural rhythm of their breath, noticing the inhalation and exhalation, and allowing themselves to relax and become fully present in the moment.

2. Body Scan: Participants are encouraged to scan their bodies from head to toe, paying attention to any sensations, tensions, or areas of relaxation. This exercise helps individuals become aware of their physical state and any areas that may require attention or release.

3. Sensory Awareness: Participants are guided to engage their senses and notice the sensory experiences in their environment. They may be encouraged to observe the sounds, smells, visuals, and sensations around them, including the presence and energy of the horse.

4. Non-Verbal Communication: In EFI, participants learn to communicate with horses using body language and energy. Mindfulness exercises may involve practicing intentional and conscious movements, gestures, and postures to convey messages to the horse and observe how the horse responds.

5. Observing Horse Behavior: Participants are invited to observe and be fully present with the horse, noticing their behavior, gestures, and interactions with the environment. This exercise cultivates a deeper understanding of the horse's non-verbal communication and fosters a sense of connection and attunement.

These mindfulness exercises help participants develop a state of heightened awareness, promote relaxation, and facilitate a deeper connection with themselves and the horses. They provide opportunities to cultivate mindfulness skills that can be carried beyond the EFI sessions into daily life, promoting overall well-being and emotional regulation.

Mindfulness: About
Mindfulness: Text

'There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man'.

Winston Churchill

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