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The Ethos Of Using Horses: Image

The Ethos of Using Horses

Our horses during Equine Facilitated Interactions (EFI) are respected as sentient beings. They have the freedom to interact, allowing genuine connections to form. Their species-specific needs are prioritised, ensuring emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Our horses are kept in comfortable and safe environments, with ample space, proper care, and nutrition.

The welfare of our horses is paramount, creating a partnership that promotes growth and mutual benefit for both humans and horses.

Why Horses?

1. Develop Focus and Clarity: Through engaging with our horses, you will learn to cultivate focus and clarity in your thoughts and actions. Harness the power of the horse-human connection to sharpen your concentration and achieve a greater sense of purpose.

2. Communicate Clearly and Effectively: Horses have a remarkable ability to reflect our emotions and intentions. By interacting with these intuitive creatures, you will develop effective communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal. Strengthen your ability to express yourself authentically and connect with others on a deeper level.

3. Learn to Set Clear, Consistent, and Healthy Boundaries: Horses provide valuable lessons in establishing boundaries. Explore the art of assertiveness and discover how to set boundaries that are respectful, consistent, and healthy. This skill will empower you to navigate relationships and situations with confidence and self-assuredness.

4. Overcome Anxiety and Access Inner Peace and Calm: Experience the soothing power of equine companionship as you learn to overcome anxiety and access a state of inner peace and calm. Our horses create a serene environment that promotes relaxation and emotional well-being, allowing you to find tranquility within yourself.

5. Reconnect to Your Sense of Purpose and Direction: Engaging with horses can help you reconnect with your true self and rediscover your sense of purpose and direction in life. Through introspection and guidance from our equine partners, you will gain clarity about your goals and aspirations, enabling you to forge a more fulfilling path forward.

6. Tune Into Yourself and Your True Feelings: Horses possess an extraordinary ability to sense and mirror our emotions. By spending time with them, you will develop a heightened sense of self-awareness and learn to tune into your true feelings. This process of self-discovery can lead to greater emotional intelligence and personal growth.

7. Create Honest and Authentic Relationships to Yourself and to Others: Horses provide a unique opportunity to cultivate honest and authentic relationships. Engaging with these gentle beings will teach you the value of genuine connections, helping you foster meaningful relationships both with yourself and with others.

8. Build Confidence and Self-Esteem: Equine-facilitated interactions are renowned for their ability to boost confidence and self-esteem. As you navigate equine activities and overcome challenges, you will witness your own capabilities and strengths, resulting in a heightened sense of self-worth and empowerment.

The Ethos Of Using Horses: Text
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